​People come to Peace Village looking for a residential retreat experience, an opportunity to unplug from the world and turn their attention to inner reflection and practice.  When they arrive, they are welcomed by those who live and serve at Peace Village.  The Peace Village campus is housed in six buildings on 300 acres of woods and streams in the Catskill Mountains.   The facilities and the spiritual atmosphere of Peace Village are sustained by the residents and by the volunteer servers, experienced yogis, who come in from all over the world to support retreat guests.

Mohini Didi


​The primary trustee for Peace Village is Mohini Panjabi, a spiritual educator with over sixty years of experience in raja yoga.  Born in India, she came to the West in her twenties and has served as the main spiritual resource of the Brahma Kumaris’ activities in the Western Hemisphere since the mid 1970’s.   She is president of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization of the USA, the Regional Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris for the Americas and the Caribbean and is representative of the BK's to the United Nations. Mohini Didi is sought after as an international speaker and spiritual resource. She shares her time between India and the USA.

Kala Iyengar


​The director of Peace Village is Kala Iyengar, a board certified pediatrician who chose in the middle of her career as a doctor to turn her attention from caring for the physical needs of her patients to attending to the spiritual needs of those in her connection.  Shortly after Peace Village opened in 1999, she moved from New York City to take up residency at Peace Village, where she serves as a spiritual and administrative guide and resource. Sister Kala has over thirty-five years of experience as a spiritual teacher.

Dorothy Steinfeld


​The director of programs for Peace Village is Dorothy Steinfeld, who moved to Peace Village when it first opened. Over thirty years ago she became a teacher of raj yoga and a spiritual resource with the Brahma Kumaris, putting her early career skills as a teacher and business entrepreneur to work in service of humanity. Over the years she has helped to assemble an experienced faculty of spiritual educators for spiritual seekers at all levels at Peace Village.