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Featured Programs

Say Good-bye to Anger, Frustration & Irritation - 4 Sessions

Session 1 of 4 (2:04:52)

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Anger Checklist

Session 2 of 4 (1:48:01)

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Good-bye to Anger Worksheets

Session 3 of 4 (1:56:26)

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Good-bye to Anger Worksheets

Session 4 of 4 (1:58:30)

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Anger Summary & Presentation

About This Program

Learning to live in peace and say goodbye to our anger, frustration and irritation (not just manage it) is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and the world. Anger is an expression of inner pain, an indication that all is not well in our world. It disturbs our peace of mind, damages our health and spoils our relationships.
This life-changing four part series will take you on a journey from the outside-in using a powerful four-step process, which really does work. It will give you the insights and tools to put an end to anger and live a happier and more peaceful life.



John McConnel is a stress management trainer and former prison governor and social worker, who has spent many years helping people to deal with the consequences of their anger. Based in London, he conducts various workshops and seminars on this and related topics in England and abroad. He has been a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris for 30 years and is the author of the 5* rated book Breaking Through The Darkness: how to defeat depression, anxiety and stress.

Understanding Karma with Judy Rodgers

The law of karma says that good karma will bring good results. Whilst karma is about action, the quality of that action depends on the thoughts we have whilst performing that action. Can we use it to create our future? Are we using this law in the right way?

​Special guest speaker Judy Rodgers is a writer and media communication consultant with interest in applied spirituality. She has been studying and teaching with the Brahma Kumaris for more than 25 years.

Learn to Meditate

Session 1 of 4 (1:11:00)

Session 2 of 4 (1:24:25)

Session 3 of 4 (1:21:20)

Session 4 of 4 (1:21:09)

About This Program

Meditation is the journey inwards, a journey of self-discovery or, in fact, re-discovery. Meditation is time taken for quiet reflection and silence, away from the hustle and bustle of daily living. Taking time out enables us to come back to a centered place of being. Discover your own inner being.

This program consists of 3 sessions based on Raja Yoga knowledge and offers the following:

1.  A Four Step program to learn and practice meditation.
2.  An opportunity to explore and experiment with a spiritual perspective of self and of life.
3.  An invitation to discover the power of living in spiritual awareness.


1.  Rona Schweitz is a 25-year meditator with Brahma Kumaris and the coordinator of the BK Manhattan Meditation Center, A medical doctor by profession with experience in psychiatry and clinical geriatric, and author of the book 'Experience Meditation ' accompanied by a CD.
2.  Sandra Budge is a student and teacher of Raja Yoga Meditation at Peace Village. An accountant by profession, she now enjoys experimenting with spiritual concepts and sharing with others.
3.  Kanupriya Mor is an MBA, working as a consultant. Dabbling with various spiritual concepts - she discovered a lifestyle and way of thinking which helps her be happy. She wants to share her experiences of this exploratory journey through this retreat.

More Resources

Insightful Meditations

Mysteries of the Heart

Traveling on a Beam of Light

Ancestor Souls

Beauty in the Darkness



A sample of classes with Peace Village teachers and facillitators

Where is God in All This? 1:36:41

Understanding the Mysteries of the Heart 53:30

Turning A New Leaf 2021 01:41:39

Loneliness Versus Solitude 58:57

Encounter You Ego 1:00:46

Hope in Health Care - Fall 2020, Session 1: Attitude that Heals - The Choice to Change 2:30:07

Hope in Health Care - Fall 2020 - Session 2 - Energy and Attitude 1:57:31

Hope in Health Care - Fall 2020, Session 3: Acting vs Reacting 2:01:16