The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization in the USA is part of a worldwide network of learning and retreat centers with over a million members.We are dedicated to individual, societal and world transformation through the study and spiritual practice of raj yoga meditation. At the heart of our teaching is the belief that the pathway to individual peace and fulfillment is first realizing and then remembering our original nature as spiritual beings in connection with One Source, who provides meaning and purpose to our identity.

International Coordination

The spiritual headquarters of Brahma Kumaris is in Mount Abu, India. At a national level, activities are generally co-ordinated by local people in alignment with the spiritual principles of Brahma Kumaris, working in accordance with the laws of the land. Activities of international interest are co-ordinated regionally from offices in London, Moscow, Nairobi, New York and Sydney.

Brahma Kumaris, Mt. Abu, India

Global Harnomy House, Great Neck, New York

The Role of Women As Spiritual Leaders

​Brahma Kumaris is the largest spiritual organization in the world led by women. The founder, Prajapita Brahma Baba, was a man who chose to put women in front from the very beginning. This choice has set Brahma Kumaris apart on the stage of the world’s religions and spiritual organizations. For over 80 years their leadership has been characterised by steady courage, a capacity for forgiveness and a deep commitment to unity.​

Although women hold the top administrative positions, the women who hold these positions have always made decisions in partnership with the men. It is a partnership and consensus model of leadership, based on respect, equality and humility. As such, it stands as an exemplar of accomplished and harmonious jurisdiction.

Remembering Dadi Janki

Dadi Janki, the Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris, left her body in Mt. Abu, India on March 27 at 104 years of age. She leaves behind hundreds of thousands who felt she was their true friend. Anyone who had been in a room with her would have experienced her booming voice of authority ringing out with 3 “om shantis”.

For over 80 years she asked audiences on all continents to consider 3 questions: “Who am I?” “Who do I belong to?” and “What is the task of this time?” You are a soul. You belong to God. And this is the time of world transformation.​

She was a tireless server. From her early days in what is now Pakistan to a few months before her passing, she gave every moment to service, outpacing those who were decades younger. She spoke to princes, prime ministers and those leading ordinary lives as if they were her brothers and sisters, urging them to make their lives worthwhile.​

She was a spiritual giant, who kept a lamp of hope lit for humanity. She showed us how to live with love and ultimately how to die with dignity

We the Students of the Brahma Kumaris

We are individuals of all ages and backgrounds who study spiritual knowledge that nurtures respect for all faith traditions, coherently explains the nature of soul, God, time and karma, and inspires an enlightened lifestyle.

We practise and teach Raja Yoga meditation, which relaxes the mind and nurtures a healthy balance between our inner and outer worlds. Through numerous social service activities and partnerships, we promote spiritual understanding, leadership with integrity and elevated actions towards a better world.​

What do we offer?

At the Brahma Kumaris we offer a framework for a life-changing experience. By exploring and discovering the most fundamental question of all, “Who am I?”, we develop a sense of self-mastery that allows us to stay in charge of our lives. The blame game finishes. A deepening spiritual awareness gradually breaks open the cage of illusions. We regain the responsibility for creating our own lives. The present becomes a real present, a gift.

We do this by becoming adept in four areas of study:

The Study of Spiritual Knowledge
  • Universal truths, regarding the nature of the soul, God and the impact of a close relationship between the two, create a context for our spiritual endeavour. This understanding helps us master the ongoing flow of experiences we call life.
The Practice of Raja Yoga Meditation
  • A step-by-step process helps us to focus on our deep inner strength and potential, which then begin to flourish and expand. By thinking less and  more powerfully, we start to feel our own greatness.
  • In this meditation we see how silence is the real gateway to contentment. Silence takes us into a world of stillness, like pressing the pause button temporarily on the film of our life.
  • It helps us to master time. The more time I give to silence, the more silence will give me time.
The Conscious Assimilation of Virtues
  • Through this we learn that real spirituality is to be able to practise virtues in adverse circumstances. This enhances our self-respect.
  • We learn to master and understand the energy of love – in giving, not in taking.
  • We naturally focus on our own and others’ virtues, rather than defects. Relationships are healed.
​Serving Others Spiritually
  • The natural consequence of understanding spiritual truths, practising Raja Yoga meditation and inculcating virtues is the wish to serve others. Serving is our highest vocation, so it fills us with a new sense of purpose.
  • The natural consequence of understanding spiritual truths, practising Raja Yoga meditation and inculcating virtues is the wish to serve others. Serving is our highest vocation, so it fills us with a new sense of purpose.